HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 113

background image



workload aggregation statistics, 51

WMS configuration, save or export, 75
WMS Service Rules

add admin role, 75
add compilation rule, 70
add connection rule, 68
add execution rule, 72
add rule, 67
alter existing, 73
associate rules to services, 73
character set support, 76
delete admin role, 75
delete rule, 73
manage admin roles, 74
manager, 65
rules summary, 66

WMS services

add new services, 61
alter, 62
delete, 64
hold, 65
manage, 58
manage services user, 60
release, 65
start, 64
stop, 64
view or alter system configuration, 58

WMS Services and Rules, monitor queries, 41
WMS Services Configuration, 53
WMS, aggregated statistics, 67
Workload aggregation statistics, 51
Workload metrics, 28

add, 22
add views, 32
at a glance, 17
close, 17
content area, 15
create, 16
define layout, 17
defined, 15
delete views, 32
lock, 21
name, 21
open, 17
options, 21
overview of panes, 15
save, 17
start, 16
task toolbar, 21
title, 18

Workspace toolbox

aggregate functions, 27
Cache Hits tool, 28
described, 27
Memory Usage tool, 28
Processing Node Queue Length tool, 28

Processing Node Utilization tool, 28
System I/O Activity tool, 28
System Metrics tool, 28
Timeline controller, 29
Workload Metrics, 28