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The following explains the difference in operation between the "Shared" and "Individual" selection for this
product when setting up the alert timer reset function.
Ex. 1) Transmit the command to the products IP address []. Use the login name [root], then

execute the following commands of [Red Lighting; other colors no status change; no buzzer status
change] for 10 seconds.

rsh -l root alert 199999 10

Ex. 2) 3 seconds after "Ex.1)", transmit the command to the products IP address []. Use the

login name [root], then execute the following commands of [Green Lighting; other colors no status
change; no buzzer status change] for 10 seconds.

rsh -l root alert 991999 10

Alert Timer Reset Function set for "Shared"

The execution affects the influence of the timer when the command is sent.

Alert Timer Reset Function set for "Individual"

The execution does not affect the influence of the timer when the command is sent.

Example 2


Example 2


10 sec

0 sec

3 sec

13 sec

[Elapsed Time]

10 sec

0 sec

3 sec

13 sec

[Elapsed Time]

Remaining time changes from

7 seconds to 10 seconds

Remaining time is 7 seconds

Red status “No Change”, Green

starts at 10 seconds, with a

remainder of 10 seconds

Red stays “ON”

Red and Green

turn “OFF”

The red LED starts at 10 seconds,

with a remainder of 10 seconds

Red turns “OFF”

Green turns “OFF”

The red LED starts at 10 seconds,

with a remainder of 10 seconds

Red status “No Change”, Green

starts at 10 seconds, with a

remainder of 10 seconds

Example 1


Example 1
