LumaSense Technologies INNOVA 1314i User Manual
Page 103

Chapter 9
1314i Photoacoustic Gas Monitor
LumaSense Technologies A/S
Page 103 of 199
There are four different blocks of data in the Working Memory (see
Block 1 – contains only calibration factors and 3 optical-filter
parameters from each of the active “Filter Banks”.
Block 2 – contains 2 of the 5 optical filter parameters with values
which are the same as those found in Block 2 of the
Source Memory.
Block 3 – contains all other set-up parameters (i.e. excluding the
optical filter parameters) with active set-up values.
Block 4 – this block contains measurement data, which was copied
into it from the Display Memory. This block is called
Background Memory because the data stored in it cannot
be accidentally deleted.
Block 5 – contains data collected during the performance of a
monitoring task. This data block is named the Display
Memory because this data is displayed on the Monitor’s
screen while a monitoring task is being performed.
Block 1 – Calibration Factors and 3 Optical-filter Parameters
from Each Active Filter Bank:
If, for example, 5 optical filters are installed in the Monitor and their
UA numbers have been entered in the active set-up and Filter Bank
No. 2 has been selected for filter “A”; no. 4 for filter “B”; no. 3 for
filter “C”; no. 1 for filter “D” and no. 1 for filter “E”, then only
calibration factors from filter banks A2, B4, C3, D1, E1 and W will be
stored in this block of data (see
). The name, molecular
weight and alarm limits of each gas will also be stored in this block.
Block 2 – Optical Filter Set-up Parameters:
Whenever either an optical filter’s UA number or its active Filter
Bank Number is changed, the same values are automatically read
into Block 2 of the Source Memory.
Block 3 – Other Set-up Parameters:
The active set-up values are those values, which are underlined by a
cursor on the display screen of the Monitor when it is operated in
Set-Up mode.
Block 4 – Measurement Data:
Whenever the Monitor performs any operation, which results in data
occupying the Display Memory, the data already stored there will be
deleted. To reduce the risk of accidental losing data from Display