998 index, Index – Watlow Series 998 User Manual

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WATLOW Series 998 User’s Manual



998 Index

% out LED 3.1
0-20MA or 4-20MA process 2.8,
2.9, 2.10, 2.11


, 1-5V


, 0-10V


(dc) process

2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11
1A, 2A, 1B, 2B indicator lights 3.1


ac outputs 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13
address of controller 4.40
alarm 3 4.24
alarm 3 high 5.5
alarm 3 low 5.5
alarm 4 4.27
alarm 4 high 5.6
alarm 4 low 5.6
alarm jumper 7.4 - 7.5
alarms 7.4 - 7.5
alarm silencing 7.5
altitude compensation 4.14
ambient temperature 6.9
analog output 4.29
annunciator 4.35
auto/man key 3.1
auto/manual operation 7.3
automatic operation 7.3 - 7.4
auto-tune 5.7
auto-tune set point 4.35
auto-tuning 7.1


baud rate 4.39
burst fired, zero cross output 8.1


calibration menu 6.6, 6.14 - 6.15
calibration offset 1 4.8
calibration offset 2 4.13
calibration offset adjustment 7.3
celsius-fahrenheit 4.33
channel A indicator light 3.1
channel A input wiring 2.8
Channel A PID Menu 5.8
channel A process and set point 3.2
channel A output wiring 2.10
channel B input wiring 2.9
Channel B PID Menu 5.13
channel B process and set point 3.2
channel B output wiring 2.11
channel B indicator light 3.1
clearing error codes 7.8
Communications Menu 4.38 - 4.40
communications menu lockout 6.6
cycle time adjustment 7.3
cycle time, output 1A or 2A 5.12
cycle time, output 1B or 2B 5.17


data bits and parity 4.39
dead band 8.3
dead band A 5.12
dead band B 5.17
decimal 1 4.6
decimal 2 4.11
Declaration of Conformity A.10
default 6.15
derivative, output 1A or 2A 5.11
derivative, output 1B or 2B 5.16
Diagnostics Menu 6.8 - 6.12
diagnostics menu lockout 6.6
DIP switch locations and functions
1.1 - 1.4
Display key 3.1
Display Loop ii, 3.2
display loop parameters 3.2
display, lower 3.1..
display, upper 3.1
Down-arrow key 3.1
dual switched dc 2.10, 2.11, 2.12,


error code actions 7.7 - 7.8
error code E1 & E2 messages 7.6
error latching 4.34
event input 1 2.4, 4.34
event input 1 status 5.4
external transmitter power supply
2.12, 2.13


failure mode 4.33
Factory Menus iii. 6.1 - 6.15
front panel lockout 6.3
factory ship date 6.9
factory use only prompts 6.10


Global Menu 4.32 - 4.36
global menu lockout 6.5


hardware setup 1.1 - 1.4
humidity sensors 4.3 - 4.4
hysteresis 1A 4.18
hysteresis 1B 4.21
hysteresis 2A 4.20
hysteresis 2B 4.22
hysteresis 3 4.25
hysteresis 4 4.28


input 1 4.5 - 4.6
input 2 4.10
Input Menu 4.2 - 4.14
input menu lockout 6.5
input module types 6.10
input-to-output isolation 2.4
installation 2.1 - 2.3
integral, output 1A or 2A 5.10
integral, output 1B or 2B 5.15
interface type 4.40


latching (alarm) 3 4.26
latching (alarm) 4 4.28
linearization 2 4.14
lower display 3.1


manual operation 7.3 - 7.4
manual tuning 7.2, 7.3
menu maps ii - iii
Mode key 3.1
model number A.9


Operation Menus ii, 5.1 - 5.17
ordering information A.9
output 1A 4.17
output 1B 4.21
output 2A 4.19
output 2B 4.22
output 3 4.23
output 3 alarm jumper 7.4 - 7.5
output 3 status 5.4
output 3 wiring 2.12
output 4 4.27
output 4 status 5.4
output 4 wiring 2.13
Output Menu 4.16 - 4.31
output menu lockout 6.5
output module types 6.11


Panel Lockout Menu 6.2
PID A menu lockout 6.4
PID A menus 5.8 - 5.12
PID B menu lockout 6.4
PID B menus 5.13 - 5.17
power wiring 2.4
process 3 4.30
process A 3.2, 4.20
process B 3.2, 4.23
process input 2.4, 2.5
process retransmit 2.12
proportional band adjustment 7.2
