Glossary, n-r – Watlow Series 998 User Manual

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WATLOW Series 998 User’s Manual



Glossary, N-R

mocouple circuit held at a stable, known tempera-
ture (cold junction). Standard reference temperature
is 32°F (0°C).

NEMA 4X — A NEMA specification for determining
resistance to moisture infiltration. This rating certi-
fies the controller as washable and corrosion resis-

on/off controller — A temperature controller that
operates in either full on or full off modes.

open loop — A control system with no sensory

output — Control signal action in response to the
difference between set point and process variable.

overshoot — The amount by which a process vari-
able exceeds the set point before it stabilizes.

P control — Proportioning control.

PD control — Proportioning control with derivative
(rate) action.

PDR control — Proportional derivative control with
manual reset, used in fast responding systems
where the reset causes instabilities. With PDR con-
trol, an operator can enter a manual reset value that
eliminates droop in the system.

PI control — Proportioning control with integral
(auto-reset) action.

PID — Proportional, integral, derivative. A control
mode with three functions: proportional action
dampens the system response, integral corrects for
droop, and derivative prevents overshoot and

proportional — Output effort proportional to the
error from set point. For example, if the proportional
band is 20° and the process is 10° below set point,
the heat proportioned effort is 50 percent. The lower
the PB value, the higher the gain.

proportional band (PB) — A range in which the
proportioning function of the control is active.
Expressed in units, degrees or percent of span. See

proportional control — A control using only the P
(proportional) value of PID control.

range — The area between two limits in which a
quantity or value is measured. It is usually
described in terms of lower and upper limits.

rate — Anticipatory action that is based on the rate
of temperature change, and compensates to mini-
mize overshoot and undershoot. See derivative.

rate band — A range in which the rate function of a
controller is active. Expressed in multiples of the
proportional band. See PID.

reference junction — see junction, reference.

remote — A controller that receives its set point
signal from another device called the master.

remote set point — A signal that indicates the set
point for the process, and is sent from another

reset — Control action that automatically eliminates
offset, or droop, between set point and actual
process temperature. Also see integral.

automatic reset — The integral function of

a PI or PID temperature controller that adjusts the
process temperature to the set point after the sys-
tem stabilizes. The inverse of integral.

automatic power reset — A feature in

latching limit controls that does not recognize power
outage as a limit condition. When power is restored,
the output is re-energized automatically, as long as
the temperature is within limits.

manual reset — 1) A feature on a limit

control that requires human intervention to return
the limit to normal operation after a limit condition
has occurred. 2) The adjustment of a proportional
control to raise the proportional band to compensate
for droop.

resistance temperature detector (RTD) — A sen-
sor that uses the resistance temperature character-
istic to measure temperature. There are two basic
types of RTDs: the wire RTD, which is usually made
of platinum, and the thermistor, which is made of a
semiconductor material. The wire RTD is a positive
temperature coefficient sensor only, while the ther-
mistor can have either a negative or positive tem-
perature coefficient.