GF Signet 4632 Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer System User Manual
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463X Chlorine System Manual
Table of Contents
Description ............................................................................... 1
Warranty Information ................................................................ 2
Product Registration ................................................................ 2
Safety Information .................................................................... 2
Chlorine System Dimensions ................................................... 3
Chlorine System Speci¿ cations ............................................... 3
4630 Chlorine Analyzer System Inventory............................... 4
Quick Start ............................................................................... 4
Panel Assembly........................................................................ 5
Component Identi¿ cation: Flow Cell ........................................ 6
Mounting .................................................................................. 7
Wiring Input .............................................................................. 8
Wiring Output ........................................................................... 9
Electrical Box Wiring Schematic ............................................ 10
Chlorine Sensor Preparation ..................................................11
Chlorine Sensor Calibration ....................................................11
Chlorine Sensor Maintenance ................................................11
Sensor Installation.................................................................. 12
Tubing Connections ............................................................... 13
Water Flow ............................................................................. 13
8630 Chlorine Transmitter...................................................... 14
.......................................................................... 14
............................................................... 15
................................................................... 17
..................................................................... 20
Chlorine Sensor Conditioning ............................................ 22
pH Sensor Calibration ........................................................ 22
Chlorine Sensor Calibration ............................................... 24
Output Settings - Loops and Relays .................................. 25
2650-7 DryLoc
Amperometric and 2750-7 pH Electronics ... 28
Wiring to the Signet 8630 Chlorine Transmitter ................. 28
Chlorine Electrode Overview ................................................. 29
2630 and 2632 Amperometric Chlorine Electrodes ........... 29
.......................................................................... 30
....................................................................... 30
2724 DryLoc pH Electrode ..................................................... 31
.......................................................................... 32
Appendix ................................................................................ 33
Maintenance - 463X Chlorine Analyzer Flow Cell ............. 33
Maintenance - 2630 Free Cl / 2632 ClO
Electrode .......... 36
Maintenance - 2724 DryLoc pH Electrode ......................... 38
Troubleshooting - 463X Chlorine Analyzer ........................ 39
Troubleshooting - 8630 Chlorine Transmitter .................... 40
8630 Transmitter Error Messages...................................... 41
Troubleshooting - 2630 Free Cl / 2632 ClO
Electrode ..... 43
Troubleshooting - 2750-7 pH Electronics........................... 43
Speci¿ cations ......................................................................... 44
Ordering Information .............................................................. 48
Warning / Caution / Danger
Indicates a potential hazard. Failure to follow all warnings
may lead to equipment damage, injury, or death
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) / Electrocution Danger
Alerts user to risk of potential damage to product by ESD,
and/or risk of potential of injury or death via electrocution.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Always utilize the most appropriate PPE during
installation and service of Signet products.
Pressurized System Warning
Sensor may be under pressure, take caution to vent
system prior to installation or removal. Failure to do so
may result in equipment damage and/or serious injury.
Hand Tighten Only
Overtightening may permanently damage product
threads and lead to failure of the retaining nut.
Do Not Use Tools
Use of tool(s) may damage product beyond repair and
potentially void product warranty.
Note / Technical Notes
Highlights additional information or detailed procedure.
Do Not Freeze
Products are temperature sensitive and may contain
freezable liquids. Freezing damage to pH, ORP, and
Chlorine electrodes voids product warranty.
Warranty Information
Table of Contents
Safety Information
Product Registration
Thank you for purchasing the Signet line of Georg Fischer
measurement products.
If you would like to register your product(s), you can now
register online in one of the following ways:
Visit our website and
click on Product Registration Form
Scan the QR Code on the left
Refer to your local Georg Fischer Sales of¿ ce for the most
current warranty statement.
All warranty and non-warranty repairs being returned must
include a fully completed Service Form and goods must be
returned to your local GF Sales of¿ ce or distributor.
Product returned without a Service Form may not be
warranty replaced or repaired.
Signet products with limited shelf-life (e.g. pH, ORP, chlorine
electrodes, calibration solutions; e.g. pH buffers, turbidity
standards or other solutions) are warranted out of box but not
warranted against any damage, due to process or application
failures (e.g. high temperature, chemical poisoning, dry-out)
or mishandling (e.g. broken glass, damaged membrane,
freezing and/or extreme temperatures).