GF Signet 4632 Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer System User Manual
Operating instructions, English

3-4630.090 Rev L 09/13
Signet 4630 Free Chlorine Analyzer System
Signet 4632 Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer System
1. Follow instructions carefully to avoid personal injury.
2. Do not exceed the maximum pressure or temperature speci¿ cations.
3. Mounting the Chlorine System in an outdoor box, in areas with elevated temperatures,
may cause damage to the system if the enclosure's internal temperature exceeds the
temperature speci¿ cation of the Chlorine Analyzer.
4. Do not alter product construction.
5. For use with clean fresh water only.
6. Disconnect AC power before opening wiring enclosure.
7. This panel system uses AC voltages. Wiring should be done by quali¿ ed personnel only.
Chlorine Analyzer
The Signet 4630 and 4632 Systems are EPA 334.0 Compliant.
Operating Instructions
The Signet Chlorine Analyzer Systems are integrated, all-in-one chlorine panel systems
designed to measure Free Chlorine or Chlorine Dioxide in drinking water and clean, fresh
water treatment applications.
This manual includes the 4630 Free Chlorine and 4632 Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer Systems.
• EPA 334.0 Compliant: The 4630 Free Chlorine and 4632 Chlorine Dioxide systems can
be used for reporting chlorine residuals in accordance with EPA Method 334.0.
• Complete chlorine analyzer system allows quick setup and easy installation. Connect
to a water source and plug it in.
• Unique integrated clear À ow cell combines sensors, À ow regulator, ¿ lter and variable
area À ow indicator in one compact unit.
• Built-in variable area À ow indicator facilitates À ow rate con¿ rmation at a glance.
• Integrated À ow regulator with removable ¿ lter accepts inlet pressures of 1 to 8 bar
(15 to 120 psi) while maintaining constant À ow and minimal pressure to the sensors.
• Water À ows vertically into sensor tip, eliminating bubble entrapment. Raised exit in À ow
cell sensor chamber ensures sensors stay submerged even when system and À ow is
turned off.
• Flow cell accommodates two sensors; one chlorine and an optional pH sensor.
• Automatic pH and temperature compensation or manual pH value input capability for
accurate free chlorine readings.
• Easy viewing of the transmitter via the bright backlit LCD display.
• Moisture-proof NEMA 4X wiring enclosure.
Additional information can be found in the individual product manuals,
refer to
Click on Product Manuals under the Signet Quick Links section.
• 3-8630-3P Chlorine Transmitter Manual (3-8630.090-3)
• 3-2630 Series Amperometric Chlorine Electrode Manual (3-2630.090)
• 3-2650 Amperometric Electronics Manual (3-2650.090)
• 3-2724 pH/ORP Electrode Manual (3-2724.090)
• 3-2750 pH Electronics Manual (3-2750.090)