Sine (sine), Spectral overlay (capt) – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual
Page 99

5: Schematic View
User Controls: Play/Pause Controls, Acquisition Delay, Gaussian Light Source, Blackbody Light
Source, Daylight Light Source, Test Color Sample Feature, Shutter, Integration Time, Baseline Offset,
Readout Noise, Digitization, Scans to Average, and Boxcar Width.
These features are controlled through the simulated spectrometer's Acquire node.
The simulated spectrometer can only be used when no real devices are connected to the computer.
To enable the simulated spectrometer,
1. Click the box in the Device Manager window that says "Simulate device if none found."
2. Press Rescan. The name "Device: Spectrometer" displays under the icon for the simulated
Right-click on this node to bring up a selection menu for additional input and output options.
Sine (sine)
Outputs the sine of the input data.
Location: Advanced Math-->Trigonometry --> Sine
Number of Inputs: 1
Type of Inputs: scalar or array in radians
Type of Output: scalar or array
User Controls: N/A
Input is expected in radians
Spectral Overlay (Capt)
There is a spectral overlay on a Graph View node.
Location: N/A
Number of Inputs: N/A
Type of Inputs: N/A
Type of Output: array
User Controls: Export to File
This node is placed on the schematic when you press the Convert to Overlay button above the