Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual

Page 64

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4: Wizards




1. Invoke the Strip Chart wizard by clicking the Create strip chart icon


2. Use the Source Selection panel to select the source of data for the strip chart. Data can be pulled

from different devices and different schematic nodes. Select the desired device or node by
clicking on that row in the table. The selected source will be highlighted in



3. In the Wavelength Selection box, choose,


Range Selection to chart data from a single wavelength, the average over a range of
wavelengths, or integrate over a range of wavelengths and display the result



Ratio of Wavelength to choose different values for the numerator and denominator
and display the ratio of the two values. When choosing the values for numerator and
denominator, select data from a single wavelength, the average over a range of
wavelengths, or integrate over a range of wavelengths.

4. Use the Update Rate panel to set the data update rate and time parameters for the strip

chart. Data can be plotted on the strip chart after every scan or every nth scan, where n is a user
selected value.

To plot data after every scan, select the first option in the window.


To plot data after every nth scan, select the second option in the window and enter your value for n in

the active box.

5. Select how long the strip chart runs before stopping using the following buttons:

a. Click Stop after this many scans and enter a value in the active box so that the strip

chart will only run for the desired number of integration cycles before stopping.


b. Click Stop after this amount of time and two boxes will become active. Enter a

numerical value in the active box to the left and select the desired units in the active box
to the right. Now the strip chart will only run for the specified length of time before


c. Click Never Stop so that the strip chart will continue to run without stopping.

6. Use the Wavelength Selection panel, the Select Numerator panel and the Select Denominator

panel to choose to select among the following values for the wavelength, numerator, and
denominator respectively:

a. Click the button next to One wavelength and enter the desired value to select a single

wavelength to chart. Make sure your value falls within the wavelength range of the
selected spectrometer or data node. OceanView will select the pixel that is closest to the
value entered.
