Main controls tab – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual
Page 30

3: User interface
Main Controls Tab
Controls at the top of the window determine whether the acquisition should request data continuously
(with an optional delay between updates), stop acquiring (pause), or take single measurements. The rest of
the controls are described below:
Integration Time
Specifies the integration time of the spectrometer, which is analogous to the shutter
speed of a camera. The higher the integration time, the longer the detector monitors
the incoming photons. If your Quick View intensity is too low, increase this value. If
the intensity is too high, decrease this value.
Adjust the integration time so that the greatest amount of light that you anticipate for
your application causes a signal of about 85% of spectrometer’s capability (for
example, 3500 for spectrometers with a total of 4096 counts, 14000 counts for
spectrometers with a total of 16384 counts, 50000 for spectrometers with a total of
65535 counts). The horizontal blue line is set at 85%. While watching the graph
trace, adjust the integration time until the signal intensity level is appropriate for the
Clicking Automatic sets the integration time to 85% of the spectrometer’s dynamic