Strip chart wizard – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual

Page 63

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4: Wizards



Controls section will vary based on user-defined parameters entered in the Peak Finder
and Baseline Estimation wizard panels.

b. Smoothing -- To apply spatial filtering to reduce adjacent pixel discrepancies and the

unwanted effects of noise, choose from the following:

Boxcar -- Simple boxcar filtering is a specialized case of Savitzky-Golay filtering where
the polynomial order is 0.


Savitzky-Golay -- For a Savitzky-Golay filter, the Polynomial order number must be less
than the total number of pixels used in the filter. If the Filter Span is set to 2, the
Polynomial order number must be set to 4 or less.


None -- To proceed without any spatial filtering.

c. Filter Span -- Be aware that the number of pixels used in the filter is actually 2n+1,

where n is the number displayed in the user-defined box. If 2 is entered in the box, for
example, a total of 5 pixels are used in the filter (2 to the left + 1 center pixel + 2 to the

6. Click Next after selecting the desired settings.

7. Use the Select Displayable parameters panel to select which values will be calculated and

displayed on the graph.

8. Click the Show table of values box to display these same values in a table. Check the box next to

any values you wish to display. The Rotate text on View Graph option will change the
displayed values from a vertical orientation to a horizontal orientation on the graph.

9. Click Finish.

Strip Chart Wizard

OceanView allows you to use Strip Charts to track processes, perform kinetic analyses, and monitor
spectral events all as a function of time. The Strip Chart shows you how the value that you selected
appears over time. This value can be any of the following:

• One pixel (a single wavelength)
• A ratio of two pixels (a ratio of two wavelengths)
• The average of a range of pixels
• An integral calculated by one of three methods representing the area beneath the graph’s trend line

You can acquire this data using any processing mode (transmission, absorbance, etc.).