Background estimation (bk est), Blackbody (blkbdy) – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual
Page 80

5: Schematic View
Type of Output: scalar
User Controls: N/A
Background Estimation (Bk Est)
Removes the underlying background structure in the input spectra to reveal the desired peaks.
Location: Advanced Math -->Filtering --> Background Estimation
Number of Inputs: 1
Type of Inputs: array
Type of Output: array
User Controls: Horizontal Threshold, Curve fit regression
As the user-defined values are altered, the spectrum in the preview graph changes shape and position.
Only pixels that display information above the x-axis of the preview graph are evaluated for peak features
when the data leaves this node.
When a value is entered in the Horizontal threshold box, that value is subtracted off the intensity values
for each pixel in the spectrum. This is useful for eliminating a relatively flat background.
The Curve fit regression box allows you to change the order number of the polynomial used to curve fit
the data. The specified polynomial order curve fit is calculated and subtracted off the spectrum.
Blackbody (Blkbdy)
Outputs an ideal blackbody spectrum.
Location: Sources -->Blackbody
Number of Inputs: 1
Type of Inputs: array
Type of Output: array
User Controls: Color Temperature
This node must have an input array to establish the wavelength range over which it outputs data. It
is convenient to connect an input from the spectrometer's Acquire node.