Selector (select), Simulated spectrometer – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual
Page 98

5: Schematic View
User Controls: Point filter span, Polynomial order
When adjusting the Point filter span, be aware that the number of pixels used in the filter is
actually 2n+1, where n is the number displayed in the user-defined box. If 2 is entered in the box, for
example, a total of 5 pixels are used in the filter (2 to the left + 1 center pixel + 2 to the right).
For a Savitzky-Golay filter, the Polynomial order number must be less than the total number of pixels
used in the filter. If the Point filter span is set to 2, the Polynomial order number must be set to 4 or less.
Simple boxcar filtering is a specialized case of Savitzky-Golay filtering where the polynomial order is 0.
Selector (Select)
Strips off and outputs one dimension of a multidimensional array.
Location: Advanced Math -->Filtering --> Selector
Number of Inputs: 1
Type of Inputs: array
Type of Output: array
User Controls: Select Parameters drop-down menu
1. Wire an array into the Select node.
2. Double-click the Select node to access the Select Parameters menu.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select which information the Select node will output. For example, if
you use the Select node on an Acquire node, the Select Parameters options will be Wavelength
and Intensity.
4. Select which aspect of the array you wish to output and click Apply.
Simulated Spectrometer
Simulates a spectrometer so that you can use OceanView without a spectrometer being connected.
Location: Available at software start-up or through the Device Manager window.
Number of Inputs: 9
Type of Inputs: Only output control nodes can be wired into the Simulated Spectrometer node.
Type of Output: array