Interpolation (interp), Linear regression (reg), Logarithm - base 10 (log10) – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual

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Interpolation (Interp)

Outputs the input data array with the specified x-axis intervals and range.

Location: Advanced Math-->Array Math --> Interpolation

Number of Inputs: 2

Type of Inputs: array

Type of Output: array

User Controls: Swap Inputs, Interpolation Method


This node is used when converting the x-axis range and/or the number of pixels in the input data

array to match the characteristics of a different array. The input that is designated "Input B" is the data
array whose x-axis range and/or number of pixels will be altered. The input designated "Input A"
determines the x-axis range and/or number of pixels for Input B. The x-axis source may be a static array
(like a File (File) node) or a dynamic array (like an Acquire node). The Swap Inputs button will reverse
the effect of the above inputs. The interpolation method may also be set in this node selecting one of three
buttons: LaGrange, Cubic, or Linear.

Linear Regression (Reg)

Outputs the scalar coefficients for a linear or polynomial regression of the input data array.

Location: Advanced Math -->Array Math --> Linear Regression

Number of Inputs: 1

Type of Inputs: array

Type of Output: between 2 and 10 scalar coefficients

User Controls: Polynomial Order number, zero intercept checkbox


The polynomial order of the Regression node is user selectable up to the 9th order by using the

spinner control within the node. The y-intercept can float or be forced to zero by using the checkbox.

Logarithm - base 10 (Log10)

Outputs the base 10 logarithm of the input.

Location: Basic Math -->Logarithm

Number of Inputs: 1