Quick view minus background, Absorbance – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual
Page 53

4: Wizards
Quick View Minus Background
Select Quick View mode to take a Quick View and subtract the stored background spectra from each
spectrometer channel before OceanView displays it.
1. Invoke the Quick View Minus Background wizard by clicking the Create new spectroscopy
application icon
2. Select either an active acquisition or start a new one.
3. Click Spectroscopy, then Quick View Minus Background, then Next.
4. Set Acquisition parameters.
5. Store background spectrum.
Absorbance spectra are a measure of how much light a sample absorbs. For most samples, absorbance
relates linearly to the concentration of the substance. OceanView uses an equation to determine the
concentration of a species in solution (illustrated below). The software uses this equation to evaluate each
pixel on the detector and produce the absorbance spectrum:
S = Sample intensity at wavelength
D = Background intensity at wavelength
R = Reference intensity at wavelength
The concentration of a species in a solution directly affects the absorbance of the solution. This
relationship, known as Beer’s Law, is expressed as:
A = Absorbance at wavelength
= Extinction coefficient of the absorbing species at wavelength
c = Concentration of the absorbing species and l is the optical path length of the absorption.