Run a wizard, Load project – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual
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3: User interface
• Restore Previous Session -- Reloads the Schematic and view window configurations as they were
when the software was closed.
• Quick View -- Displays the spectrum in Quick View mode showing raw, unprocessed data
(previously referred to as Scope mode).
You can skip this window in the future by unchecking Show on startup at the bottom of the screen.
Click OK once the selection is made on this window.
Click Cancel to skip the selections on this window and open a Quick View spectrum window.
Run a Wizard
1. Select Run a Wizard and click OK to open the Wizard selection dialog box.
2. Click Spectroscopy to open the Select Spectroscopy Wizard dialog box.
3. Select the processed mode you want to enter and click Next. The wizard will take you through all
the necessary steps to optimize your acquisition and enter the desired processing mode.
The wizards can also be accessed by clicking the Create a new spectroscopy application button (
or by selecting the File | Create a new spectroscopy application menu item. See Chapter 4:
more information on using OceanView wizards.
Load Project
With the new persistence functionality and ability to save and reload projects, you can quickly enter a
processed mode by reloading a previously saved method.