Natural logarithm -- base e (ln), Negate (neg), Output control (output control) – Ocean Optics Ocean View Install User Manual

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5: Schematic View



Natural Logarithm -- base e (Ln)

Outputs the natural logarithm of the input.

Location: Basic Math -->Natural Logarithm

Number of Inputs: 1

Type of Inputs: scalar or array

Type of Output: scalar or array

User Controls: N/A

Negate (Neg)

Changes the sign of the input data. Positive values become negative and negative values become positive.

Location: Basic Math-->Negate

Number of Inputs: 1

Type of Inputs: scalar or array

Type of Output: scalar or array

User Controls: N/A

Output Control (Output Control)

Enables adjustment of certain spectrometer settings using the output of other schematic nodes.

Location: Right-click a Spectrometer icon and choose one of the options under the New Output Control

Number of Inputs: 1

Type of Inputs: scalar

Type of Output: Scalar to spectrometer node.

User Controls: Depends on the type of control output.


Different types of output controls are available for different devices. Output control choices may

include Strobe/Lamp Enable, GPIO, Single Strobe, External Trigger Delay, Continuous Strobe,
Acquisition Delay, and Analog-Out.