Show ip dhcp snooping binding, 5 ip source guard commands – Planet Technology SGSD-1022 User Manual
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User’s Manual of SGSD-1022 / SGSD-1022P
SGSW-2840 / SGSW-2840P
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Console#show ip dhcp snooping
Global DHCP Snooping status: disable
DHCP Snooping Information Option Status: disable
DHCP Snooping Information Policy: replace
DHCP Snooping is configured on the following VLANs:
Verify Source Mac-Address: enable
Interface Trusted
Eth 1/1 No
Eth 1/2 No
Eth 1/3 No
Eth 1/4 No
Eth 1/5 Yes
show ip dhcp snooping binding
This command shows the DHCP snooping binding table entries.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Console#show ip dhcp snooping binding
MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface
11-22-33-44-55-66 0 Static 1 Eth 1/5
5.13.5 IP Source Guard Commands
IP Source Guard is a security feature that filters IP traffic on network interfaces based on manually configured entries in the IP
Source Guard table, or static and dynamic entries in the DHCP Snooping table when enabled (see “
DHCP Snooping
”). IP source guard can be used to prevent traffic attacks caused when a host tries to use the IP address of a
neighbor to access the network. This section describes commands used to configure IP Source Guard.