Web-auth quiet-period, Web-auth session-timeout – Planet Technology SGSD-1022 User Manual
Page 481
User’s Manual of SGSD-1022 / SGSD-1022P
SGSW-2840 / SGSW-2840P
web-auth login-attempts count
no web-auth login-attempts
count -The limit of allowed failed login attempts. (Range: 1-3)
Default Setting
3 login attempts
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Console(config)#web-auth login-attempts 2
web-auth quiet-period
This command defines the amount of time a host must wait after exceeding the limit for failed login attempts, before it may
attempt web authentication again. Use the no form to restore the default.
web-auth quiet-period time no web-auth quiet period
time -The amount of time the host must wait before attempting authentication again. (Range: 1-180 seconds)
Default Setting
60 seconds
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Console(config)#web-auth quiet-period 120
web-auth session-timeout
This command defines the amount of time a web-authentication session remains valid. When the session-timeout has been
reached, the host is logged off and must be re-authenticated the next time data is transmitted. Use the no form to restore the
web-auth session-timeout timeout no web-auth session timeout
timeout -The amount of time that an authenticated session remains valid. (Range: 300-3600 seconds)
Default Setting