2 voip port configuration – Planet Technology SGSD-1022 User Manual
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User’s Manual of SGSD-1022 / SGSD-1022P
SGSW-2840 / SGSW-2840P
Sets the Voice VLAN ID for the network. Only one Voice VLAN is supported and it
must already be created on the switch.
(Range: 1-4094)
Vioce VLAN Aging Time
The time after which a port is removed from the Voice VLAN when VoIP traffic is
no longer received on the port.
(Range: 5-43200 minutes; Default: 1440 minutes).
The Voice VLAN ID cannot be modified when the global Auto Detection Status is enabled. VoIP Port Configuration
To configure ports for VoIP traffic, you need to set the mode (Auto or Manual), specify the discovery method to use, and set the
traffic priority. You can also enable security filtering to ensure that only VoIP traffic is forwarded on the Voice VLAN.
Figure 4-10-27 VoIP Port Configuration page screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
Specifies if the port will be added to the Voice VLAN when VoIP traffic is
detected. (Default: None)