Show public-key – Planet Technology SGSD-1022 User Manual

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User’s Manual of SGSD-1022 / SGSD-1022P

SGSW-2840 / SGSW-2840P





DES – Data Encryption Standard (56-bit key)

3DES – Triple-DES (Uses three iterations of DES, 112-bit key)

aes – Advanced Encryption Standard (160 or 224-bit key)

blowfish – Blowfish (32-448 bit key)

cbc – cypher-block chaining

sha1 – Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160-bit hashes)

md5 – Message Digest algorithm number 5 (128-bit hashes)

show public-key

This command shows the public key for the specified user or for the host.


show public-key [user [username]| host]

username – Name of an SSH user. (Range: 1-8 characters)

Default Setting

Shows all public keys.

Command Mode

Privileged Exec

Command Usage

• If no parameters are entered, all keys are displayed. If the user keyword is entered, but no user name is specified, then

the public keys for all users are displayed.

• When an RSA key is displayed, the first field indicates the size of the host key (e.g., 1024), the second field is the

encoded public exponent (e.g., 35), and the last string is the encoded modulus. When a DSA key is displayed, the first

field indicates that the encryption method used by SSH is based on the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), and the last

string is the encoded modulus.


Console#show public-key host



1024 35