About the cell broadcast folder, About the drafts folder, About the outbox – Motorola 009 User Manual

Page 59: About the sim archive folder

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About Folders



Additional folders that you create provide the same view and functions as the Inbox.

About the Cell Broadcast Folder

Cell Broadcast Messages are general messages, broadcast to a group of phones and are
stored in the Cell Broadcast folder. These messages are broadcast in numbered channels
and, in general, each channel will tend to carry one particular type of information.

See “About Cell Broadcast Rules” on page 63 for more information.

About the Drafts Folder

The Drafts folder contains partial or unfinished messages that you save for later editing and
transmission. You can choose to save draft messages on your device or on the SIM card.

When a message in the Drafts folder is opened, you will be prompted to select a recipient for
the message. Then the Write SMS Message screen is displayed so that you can edit or
complete the message.

About the Outbox

The Outbox acts as a holding area for unsent messages.

Items in the Outbox are sorted by date and time, with the most recent message appearing
first. If the message was created today, the time appears next to the message; otherwise, the
date the message was created appears.

Messages that appear in the Outbox are categorized into five types:

Once the message is sent successfully, the message is moved to the Sent Folder.

About the SIM Archive Folder

The SIM Archive folder contains all SMS messages stored in the SIM card memory.

The message is waiting to be sent.

The message is being sent.

The message could not be sent. Transmitter is off or you are out of range. Mes-
sage will be sent again automatically.

The message will be sent later based on the delayed send time you specified.

The message could not be sent.

Accompli 009 User's Page 59 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 2:56 PM