Issued 3-78 – Generac Power Systems TXP User Manual
Page 24
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A.) Set the Start/Stop Switch to
START position and back to NEUTRAL
several times. An audible "click”
should be heard as the solenoid
RESULTS: !.) Solenoid actuates, but
engine does not crank............................... Continue- ttst (Paragraph "B")
2.) Solenoid does not actuate,..Continue test (Paragraph "D")
B. ) Set VOM to "+DC" and to a scale greater than 12 Volts DC. Connect
the NEGATIVE (pr COMMON) test probe to. ground. Connect the POSITIVE (+)
test probe to the battery cable connection on the starter solenoid. The
meter needle should indicate 12 volts DC.
RESULTS: 1.) Meter reads 12 V o l t s C o n t i n u e test (Paragraph "C")
2.) Meter indicates less
than 12 Volts..............................................Check for open or shorted wire
or loose connections between
battery and starter solenoid
C. ) Connect POSITIVE (+) meter probe to starter cable connection on
starter solenoid. Connect NEGATIVE (or COMMON) test probe to ground.
Hold Start/Stop Switch at START - meter should indicate 12 volts DC.
RESULTS: 1.) Meter does not indicate
12 Volts.................................................Install new starter solenoid
2.) Meter reads 12 Volts and
solenoid checks good.......Continue tests in "Diagnostic
Flow Charts", Section 3
D. ) Set VOM to "+DC" so that 12 Volts can be read. Connect, meter POS
ITIVE (+) probe to one of the small terminals on the starter solenoid.
Connect the remaining test probe to ground. Meter should read.12. Volts.
With NEGATIVE (or COMMON) test probe still connected to ground, conn
ect POSITIVE (+) test probe to the other small terminal. Meter should
indicate 12 volts DC.
RESULTS.: 1.) Meter indicates 12. Volts
from BOTH small terminals
to ground............. Continue tests in. "Diagnostic
Flow Charts", Section 3
Meter does NOT read 12
Volts.........................................................Retest battery, 15 Amp Fuse
and Start/Stop Switch. Wlien
sure that these components
are good, and
volts is not
obtained from both small ter
minals, replace solenoid,
. )
Issued 3-78