IntelliTrack WMS – Warehouse Management System User Manual
Page 301

Chapter 13
To query items by category, click the drop-down arrow in the Category
field, and select the category from the list that appears; —Or—
To query all items and all kit masters in the application, click the drop-
down arrow in the Category field and select the {All}; —Or—
To query items by the kit master name(s) entered into the application,
mark the Show Kit Masters check box. (To see the items that comprise
the kit, go to the Kit Maintenance form. Please refer to
for more information about using kits in WMS.) If you
unmark the Show Kit Masters check box, the category defaults to
The data refreshes to present the current selection.
Click the Print button found along the bottom of the form to print the
item query information in a report format.
The query above is by item category. Data is displayed for all items
in the Hand Tools category.