IntelliTrack WMS – Warehouse Management System User Manual
Page 207

Chapter 9
Customer: customer name or customer ID, as entered into the system
at the Customers form. Customer information is required if the
Require Customer option is enabled in the System Options form/
Orders tab.
Ship To: customer shipping information. “Ship To” information is
required if the Require Ship To option is enabled in the System
Options form/Orders tab.
Carrier: user-selected delivery carrier associated with this order.
Method: user-selected carrier delivery method associated with the
selected carrier.
Wave Number: if using waves, a wave number is listed in the Wave #
field when a selected order is associated with a wave; wave information
is useful when reviewing picking orders.
Picker: if using waves, a wave picker is listed in the Picker field when
a selected order is associated with a wave; wave information is useful
when reviewing picking orders.
Kit: Select a Kit as part of the pick order. In IntelliTrack WMS, a “kit”
represents a preset group of items, of varying quantities. Predetermined
items that are part of a kit are picked from inventory when the kit item
number is selected as part of a pick order. When creating a Picking
Order that includes a Kit, the Picking Order will automatically include
all the items and item quantities that comprise the kit.
Kits Needed: amount (quantity) of the selected kit that is associated
with this order.
Record Information
Line Number: available if you are using the line number feature. Dis-
plays line number for each picking order data record, thus allowing you
to view the order by individual line items.
Item Number: displays the item number for each item in the picking
order data record. If you are viewing the order by line number, an item
number may be repeated multiple times, by line. If you are not using
the line number feature, all the items in the order will be consolidated
into one item number line.
Ordered: total item quantity of the picking order. This amount may be
higher then the on hand quantity of the item if you are placing the pick
order against an anticipated receiving order.
Prior Pick: displays the amount of the item quantity previously picked
against this order, if applicable.
New Pick: the amount of the item currently being picked against this