Editing an existing kit, Picking a kit, Editing an existing kit picking a kit – IntelliTrack WMS – Warehouse Management System User Manual

Page 189

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Chapter 7

Inventory Management



In the Item # field, click the drop-down arrow. A drop-down menu list
appears; select an item to be included in the kit from the list that
appears. Press the <Tab> key on your keyboard to advance to the
UOM field.


In the UOM field, enter the UOM for the item in the kit. Press the
<Tab> key on your keyboard to advance to the Quantity field.


In the Quantity field, enter the amount of this item that goes in the kit.


Repeat steps 4–6 until all the kit items have been added.


When you have completed adding items to the kit, click the Save but-
ton to save the kit entry and clear the form. (Click the Cancel button to
exit the form without saving any changes.)


When you are finished at the Kit Maintenance form, click the Close
button to save any unsaved data, and exit the Kit Maintenance form.

Editing an
Existing Kit

To edit an existing kit in WMS:


Click the drop-down arrow in the Kit Master field and select the kit
that you want to edit from the drop-down list that appears.


Make the desired information changes.


Click the Save button found along the bottom of the form when you are
finished making changes. (Clicking the Cancel button cancels the

Picking a Kit

Predetermined items that are part of a kit are picked from inventory when
the kit is selected as part of a picking order. When creating a picking order
that includes a kit, the picking order will automatically include all the
items and item quantities that comprise the kit. For more information about
creating a picking order, please refer to

“Adding New Picking Orders” on

page 184
