3 setting the performance display, Setting the performance display – SMA Sunny Data Control V.5.0 User Manual
Page 57

Displaying Data
SMA Technologie AG
Technical Description
10. 3 Setting the Performance Display
The individual device fields (A) can change color according to the devices' calculated capacity
utilization. The capacity utilization is calculated on the basis of one channel (default channel: Pac).
This channel and the value for 100% capacity utillization determine the color changes of the device
field during the spot value query.
You can change the channel, and specify the threshold channel value, which is to indicate that the
device is performing at 100 % capacity. The performance display can be defined for individual
devices, or for a device type.
Right click on the device field on the page "Spot values".
Select "Channel selection for Spot value scan"
The channel settings window opens.
Under "Channel selection is valid for", select whether the performance display applies to the
selected device only, or to all devices of a particular type.
In the "Available channels" list, select the channel whose performance is to be calculated and
reflected in the color changes of the device fields.
Add the selected channel to the "Performance view" area by using the arrow button ">".
In the field to the left of "= 100 %“, enter the value which is to represent 100 % capacity
utilization for this channel.
Click on
You can set the color scheme of the device fields as described in section 10. 5 "Changing the Color
Behavior of the Device Fields" (Page 62).