SMA Sunny Data Control V.5.0 User Manual
Page 38

Initial Settings
SMA Technologie AG
Technical Description
Commissioning of Bluetooth communications.
Close the Sunny Data Control.
If the Bluetooth capability integrated into the PC is not to be used, disconnect it as described
in the PC instructions.
Plug the Bluetooth stick into the PC. Do not install the software included with the Bluetooth stick
for the time being.
The PC will check to see whether the Bluetooth stick can be installed automatically, and carries
out one of the following actions:
Automatic installation begins, the PC installs the Bluetooth stick and reports that the new
hardware can be used. No CD is needed.
Continue with step 4.
The Hardware Assistant window opens, because installation requires a CD.
Choose "No, not this time". Choose
Insert the CD included with the Bluetooth stick.
Choose "Install software from a list or a specific source (advanced user)".
Search for devices.
The Bluetooth software shows the inverters' "Friendly names". For example:
SMA0003dSN: 2100000439 SN2100000439. The Bluetooth ID is displayed after
"SMA" (here: SMA0003 is ID 3).
Choose a device which has the desired Bluetooth ID.
Set up the virtual COM port as described in the Bluetooth stick manual. The virtual COM
port will be set up for the chosen ID.
Record or note the number of the virtual COM port set up. If the Bluetooth environment is
to have an "outgoing" as well as an "incoming" COM port, record or note the number of
the incoming COM port.