17 – messages – Teac HS-2000 User Manual
Page 144

17 – Messages
Details and responses
Create Project?
Reconfirm that you want to conduct both quick-formatting and project creation at
MM = CF1 or CF2
pppppppp = name of project created
ssssssss = name of first session created
Copy MM to MM'?
This will erase all data on MM'.
Confirm that you want to copy all data between media.
MM = CF1, CF2 or USB Memory
MM' = CF1, CF2 or USB Memory
Copy selected Folder?
Confirm that you want to copy the selected folder.
nnnnnnnn = name of folder to be copied
Copy selected File?
Confirm that you want to copy the selected file.
nnnnnnnn = name of file to be copied
Copy selected Take?
Confirm that you want to copy the selected take.
n = number of takes
When "n" is 2 or more, "Takes"
Copying Folder.
The folder is being copied.
Copying File.
The file is being copied.
Copying Take.
The take is being copied.
When 2 or more, "Takes"
Create EDL failed.
Failed to create an AES31 editing data file.
EDL = edit decision list
Create new EDL?
Confirm that you want to create a new AES31 editing data file.
eeeeeeee = AES31 editing data file name
EDL = edit decision list
Create new Playlist?
Confirm that you want to create a new playlist.
pppppppp = playlist name
Create new project?
Fs: **kHz, Frame Type: **F
Confirm that you want to create a new project.
pppppppp = name of project to be created
ssssssss = name of first session to be created
Create Project failed
Failed to create the project.
Creating EDL.
The AES31 editing data file is being created.
EDL = edit decision list
Creating Project …
The project is being created.
Delete all marks
of this type?
(Count: N)
Confirm that you want to delete marks of the selected type.
N = number of marks of selected mark type
Delete N selected marks?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected marks.
N = number of marks
Delete N selected project?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected project(s).
N = number selected
Delete N selected session?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected session(s).
N = number selected
Delete N selected take?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected take(s).
N = number selected
Delete selected EDL?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected AES31 editing data file.
EDL = edit decision list
Delete selected playlist?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected playlist.
Delete this Folder?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected folder.
Delete this File?
Confirm that you want to delete the selected file.
Deleting EDL.
The AES31 editing data file is being deleted.
EDL = edit decision list
Deleting Playlist…
The playlist is being deleted.
Deleting Folder.
The folder is being deleted.
Deleting File.
The file is being deleted.
Deleting Project…
The project is being deleted.
Deleting Session…
The session is being deleted.
Deleting Take…
The take is being deleted.
Digital Input Error
An error occurred with the digital input selected for the input signal.
eeeeeeee = one of the following errors
not synchronized with system
no signal:
no signal being input
not audio:
Cbit data of input signal is not
other Cbit data is different from
actual operation mode
D-In: Fs convert On
Cannot select as Master clock.
The sampling rate converter is ON for the digital input that you tried to set as the
clock master.
Directory contents changed.
REBUILD required.
The directory needs to be rebuilt because its content has been changed.