Super Systems PC Configurator 2 User Manual
Page 168

Super Systems Inc.
Page 168 of 201
Configurator Manual #4562 Rev D
The filter time is a factory applied averaging tool used to help maintain steady control in high
EMI environments. The filter time should not be adjusted with consulting SSI. Clicking on this
value will display an input box from which the user can select a new value. The range is 0 to
Initial Scale:
This is the initial scale value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the
user can select a new value. The range is –32768 to 32767.
Full scale:
This is the full scale value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user
can select a new value. The range is –32768 to 32767.
Decimal Point Location:
This is the decimal point location value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from
which the user can select a new value. The range is 0 to 4.
Open TC:
This is the open TC value. Clicking on this value will toggle between up scale, down scale,
one trip point, and two trip points.
Input Offset
The input offset value is algebraically added to the input value to adjust the input curve on
read-out. The range is –10 to 10.
Trip Point 1 Setpoint:
This is the trip point 1 setpoint value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 1 Force Value:
This is the trip point 1 force value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 1 Direction:
This is the trip point 1 direction. The options are: input above setpoint or input below
Trip Point 2 Setpoint:
This is the trip point 2 setpoint value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 2 Force Value:
This is the trip point 2 force value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 2 Direction:
This is the trip point 2 direction. The options are: input above setpoint or input below
High Input Limit Setpoint:
This is the setpoint for the high input limit. The range is –32768 to 32768.