Super Systems PC Configurator 2 User Manual

Page 12

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Super Systems Inc.

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Configurator Manual #4562 Rev D

Configurator – Edit Menu screen

Use the drop-down list at the top of the form to select the access level to change. The list on
the right of the screen is the current menu list for the specific access level. The list on the left
of the screen lists the remaining items. To add a menu option, select the desired menu option
on the left and click on the Add button,

. To add all of the menu options at once, click

on the Add All button,

. To remove a menu option, select the desired menu option on

the right and click on the Remove button,

. To remove all of the menu options at once,

click on the Remove All button,

. To add a menu option to a specific position, click on

the menu option on the right where the new option will be inserted, click on the menu option
on the left to add and click on the Insert button,

. Click the OK button to accept the

changes or the Cancel button to close the form without accepting the changes.
Clicking on the Save button will save the changes, while clicking on the Cancel button will
cancel the action.
The right side of the form displays the Aux Instruments and the text for those instruments,
Alarms and the text for those alarms, Input Event Descriptions and the text for those
descriptions, Input Descriptions and the text for those descriptions, and the Output Event
Descriptions and the text for those descriptions. To change the text, double-click on the
specific item to change. The Configurator will display an input box that will allow the user to
change the current text value.

Configurator – Edit text input box

Clicking OK will change the text value, and clicking Cancel will not change the text value.