Super Systems PC Configurator 2 User Manual

Page 121

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Super Systems Inc.

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Configurator Manual #4562 Rev D

Enable allows the user to manually turn the valve on or off. The options are Yes or No.

This is the measured output shown as a percentage, and it cannot be modified.

Trim Enable:
Trim Enable allows the user to manually turn the trim on or off. The options are Yes or No.

Target Setpoint:
This is measured in units of flow (scfh). Clicking on the value will display an input box from
which the user can select a new setpoint. The range is 0 to 4000.

Trim Range:
The allowable specified range of control with the trim enabled - typically set in the program.
Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user can select a new Trim
Range. The range is 0 to 10000.

Use Curve:
This option manually turns on or off the custom curve entered in the

Curve Entry

menu option.

The options are Yes or No.

Input Type:
Clicking on this value will display a drop down menu with the following choices:
mA / 124 ohm
mA / 249 ohm
mA / 499 ohm

Valve Max:
This is the maximum valve range in units. Clicking on this value displays an input box from
which the user can select a new maximum value. The range is 100 to 30000.