Measurement Computing LogBook Series User Manual
Page 28

LogBook/300 Quick Start Guide
Reference Notes:
Depending on the nature of your LogBook system, you may find one or more of the following
references to the LogBook User’s Manual PDF helpful. The PDF manual is included on the Data
Acquisition CD and is also available on our web-site.
For system block diagrams and operational overviews, refer to Chapter 1 of the PDF.
For information on system expansion and calculating system power, refer to Chapter 4 and to
the DBK Basics section.
For information regarding LBK options, refer to Chapter 5.
For specific DBK card information, refer to the DBK Options Manual PDF.
The following hardware-connection figure and procedure are generic; details vary with system complexity.
After verifying that all equipment power is off, hardware connection typically proceeds as follows.
Refer to the previous figure as needed.
1. Connect LogBook/300 to PC. There are four ways for LogBook/300 to communicate with the host
PC. These are: parallel port, serial port to serial port, serial port to USB, and manual transportation
of the PC-Card. Note that the parallel port method is represented in the previous figure.
a) Parallel port to parallel port – If using the parallel port, connect a DB25male to DB25female parallel cable
[e.g., CA-35-2 or CA-35-6 (2ft. or 6ft. respectively)] to PARALLEL PORT on LogBook/300, and to the
corresponding parallel port on the host PC. When this method is used, the PC must be set to the ECP
mode. See ECP Parallel Port, page QS300-6 for additional information.
b) Serial port to serial port – If using the serial port, use a null modem serial cable (CA-47) to connect the
DB9 SERIAL PORT on LogBook/300 to the corresponding DB9 serial port on the host PC.
c) Serial port to USB port - Requires an adapter kit. To connect the LogBook to a USB port you will need a
RS-232 to USB Interface Adapter Kit p/n CA-232-USB-KIT (available from Measurement Computing).
Refer to the associated Quick Start document (QS RS-232_to_USB_Interface.pdf) for a list of the kit’s
contents and for RS-232 to USB conversion instructions. The pdf is included on Data Acquisition CD
(rev 8.1.2 and higher)
d) PC-Card – With PC-Card communication, LogBook/300 does not require a connection to the computer, as
communication is accomplished via the PC-Card. To provide the PC-Card with the correct configuration
file, it must be configured from the PC, through LogView. After the PC-Card is configured, it is inserted
into LogBook’s PC-Card slot, located behind the front panel door.
Reference Note:
Information pertaining to PC-Cards can be found in chapter 1 and in the LogView section of the
LogBook User’s Manual PDF.
Note: Other power options are discussed in
the DBK Basics section of this