Acquisition configuration…… lv-42, Eters setup …… lv-42, Acquisition configuration – Measurement Computing LogBook Series User Manual
Page 168

LV-42 LogView
Acquisition Configuration
The Acquisition Configuration dialog box allows you to define trigger conditions including various
parameters for pre-trigger, trigger, post-trigger, scan rate and timebase.
LogBook data can be collected in two basic ways depending on the trigger setup:
• Continuous. As a simple data logger in a strip chart mode, all data collected is then saved. The
trigger source can be set to immediate and the post-trigger scan count set to infinite.
• Exception-only. As an exception-capturing system, collected data is saved only under specified
conditions. Pre-trigger, post-trigger, and re-arm parameters allow you to collect only data around
specified events, just the data of interest, nothing more. Thus memory is conserved, and post-analysis
is easier.
The next figure shows a time line with data being collected continuously, but only the trigger block is
logged to memory (the pre-trigger and post-trigger data combined is called a trigger block).
Trigger Parameters Setup
The following figures represent Trigger Setups with and Analog Channel as a trigger source
(channel P1_CH14) and a Calculated Channel as a trigger source (CALC_00).
Other possible trigger sources are:
When Armed, Manual, Digital Channel, GPS Channel (LogBook/360 only), and Absolute Time.
Trigger Setup Using an Analog Channel Trigger Setup Using a Calculated Channel
The manual trigger can be implemented in the following ways:
• With a PC attached, you can trigger LogBook from LogView’s LogBook Monitor window in the
Device menu.
• Without a PC, you can use the Remote LogBook Terminal (LBK1)
The auto re-arm feature allows for a large number of acquisitions to take place automatically, with each
acquisition using the same settings. As soon as the previous trigger block is terminated, the system
immediately re-arms itself, waiting for the trigger condition to be satisfied. The Number of Re-arms field
allows you to specify how many triggered acquisitions to capture. For exception-capturing, specify the
number of trigger blocks that should be collected before data logging is terminated. For continuous data
logging, specify 1 trigger block.