2 config: remote (remote control) – Comtech EF Data LBC-4000 User Manual
Page 64
LBC-4000 L-Band Up/Down Converter System with Ethernet
Revision 2
Front Panel Operation
For the CONFIG: Conv‐A
ATTEN/SLOPE menu, the Ofst (Gain Offset) command is
available only if redundancy is enabled. See Appendix B. LBC‐4000 REDUNDANCY
OPERATION for further details on using this command in redundancy applications.
Press [ENT] when done. CONFIG: REMOTE (Remote Control)
Remote Control: LOCAL
Use the [←][→] arrow keys to select LOCAL, SERIAL or ETHERNET, and then press [ENT].
CONFIG: Remote Control
When Remote Control Mode=LOCAL, remote control is disabled although remote
monitoring is still possible.
CONFIG: Remote Control
Serial Mode = RS-232
Add=0001 Baud=9600 8-N-1
On the top line, to select the serial mode: Use the [↑][↓] arrow keys to select select RS‐232 or
RS‐485, and then press [ENT].
On the bottom line, to set the address: Use the [←][→] arrow keys to navigate to the Address
setting. Next, use the [←][→] arrow keys to select a digit to edit, and then use the [↑][↓] arrow
keys to change its value. The valid range of addresses is from 0001 to 9999. Press [ENT] when
On the bottom line, to set the baud rate: Use the [←][→] arrow keys to navigate to the Baud
setting. Then, use the [↑][↓] arrow keys to set the Baud rate of the remote control bus
(connected locally to the M&C computer): 100, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19K2 (19200), or 38K4 (38400)
baud are available.
On the bottom line, to select the asynchronous character format: Use the [←][→] arrow keys
to navigate to the format setting. Then, use the [↑][↓] arrow keys to select the asynchronous
character format as: 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit); 7O2 (7 data bits, odd parity, 2 stop
bits); or 7E2 (7 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bits).
Press [ENT] when done.
CONFIG: Remote Control