BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 93

PopStrings(number_of_string_to_pop As Integer) As Boolean: Pops strings off the front of the list
(using "last in, first out" ordering) in modes 0 and 1. This occurs the next time the widget wraps so that strings can
be added to and removed from the widget seamlessly. In mode 2, the string is cleared from the widget immediately.
GetStringCount() As Integer: Returns the number of strings that will exist once any pending pops have
taken place.
Clear() As Boolean: Clears the list of strings, leaving the widget blank and able to accept more PushString
SetStringSource(file_path As String) As Boolean: Displays the text file at the specified path as a
single, continuous string. This method is only applicable to text mode 3 (scrolling ticker). When the end of the file is
reached, the text widget loops to the beginning, using a diamond symbol as the separator.
SetAnimationSpeed(speed As Integer) As Boolean: Sets the speed at which animated text displays.
This method is applicable to text modes 0 and 3 only:
o Mode 0: The default speed value is 10000. Setting an integer above this value decreases the speed of the
teletype-style ticker: For example, specifying a value of 20000 will decrease the default speed at which text
displays by half, while a value of 5000 will double the default speed.
o Mode 3: The default speed value is 10000. Because the speed of a scrolling ticker is measured in pixels per
second (PPS), the speed must be a multiple of the current framerate, or else it will be rounded down to the
nearest multiple (for example, a framerate of 60p will honor PPS values of 60, 120, 180, etc.). The software
determines the speed of the scrolling ticker by performing the following calculation on the passed
PPS = (speed * 60) / 10000
SetMultiscreen(offset As Integer, size As Integer, ip_address As String, port As
Integer) As Boolean: Allows for a smooth-scrolling ticker to be displayed across multiple screens. The master
screen is designated as the instance with the rightmost
offset of all the players in the multiscreen array; all
PushString() and Show() calls (as well as any other changes) must be made on the master instance. Slave
instances of the text widget will remain blank until the master starts. This method requires the following parameters: