Rosystemtime – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 312
This object provides the ability to read and write the time stored in the real-time clock (RTC). It can also be used to read
and write the time-zone setting.
Note: Dates up to January 1, 2038 are supported.
Interfaces: ifSystemTime.
The ifSystemTime interface provides the following:
GetLocalDateTime() As roDateTime: Returns the current time from the RTC (modulated using the current
time zone) as an roDateTime instance.
GetUtcDateTime() As roDateTime: Returns the current time from the RTC (modulated using the UTC/GMT
time zone) as an roDateTime instance.
GetZoneDateTime(timezone_name As String) As Object: Returns the current time from the RTC
(modulated using the specified time zone) as an roDateTime instance. Supported time zones are listed below.
SetLocalDateTime(local_DateTime As roDateTime) As Boolean: Specifies a new time for the RTC
using the current time zone.
SetUtcDateTime(utc_DateTime As roDateTime) As Boolean: Specifies a new time for the RTC using
the UTC/GMT time zone.
GetTimeZone() As String: Returns the current time-zone setting of the player. A POSIX: value is appended
to the beginning of the string if the time zone has been set using the POSIX format.
SetTimeZone(zone_name As String) As Boolean: Specifies a new time-zone setting for the player
(supported time zones are listed below). Alternatively, a POSIX formatted time zone can be applied by appending a
POSIX: value to the beginning of the string.
IsValid() As Boolean: Returns True if the system time is set to a valid value. The time can be set from the
RTC or with NTP.