Ifvideocontrol – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 108

The ifVideoControl interface provides the following:
PlayStaticImage(filename As String) As Boolean
SetViewMode(mode As Integer) As Boolean
SetRectangle(r As roRectangle) As Void
EnableSafeRegionTrimming(a As Boolean) As Boolean
AdjustVideoColor(parameters As roAssociativeArray) As Boolean: Adjusts the video and graphics
output of the player using the following parameters, which can be passed to the method as an associative array:
"brightness", "hue", "contrast", "saturation". Each parameter has a default value of 0 and can accept a range of
values between -1000 and 1000.
SetKeyingValue(keying_settings As roAssociativeArray) As Boolean: Applies a mask to each
pixel in the video window. If the pixel value falls within the specified range of chroma and luma key values, the pixel
will appear transparent, allowing video and graphics behind it to show through. If the pixel value does not fall within
the specified range, the pixel is unaltered. The chroma and luma key values are set using integers contained in the
passed associative array:
o luma
o cr
o cb
Each integer value is arranged as follows:
[8 bits of mask][8 bits of high-end range][8 bits of
low-end range]. For example, an 0xff8040 value for luma would mask luma at 0xff (no change) and then apply
a range from 0x40 to 0x80 for changing to transparent alpha.
Note: Chroma and luma keying work well with simple shapes and patterns; complex patterns like hair or grass will not
be masked effectively.
SetTransform(transform As String) As Boolean: Applies one of eight transforms to the video plane.
This method works equally well with all video sources (files, streams, HDMI input) and can be called separately on
multiple roVideoPlayer instances. Calls to this method only take effect when the next file/source is played, and
transitions to a transformed video do not take place seamlessly.
o identity: No transformation (default behavior)