BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 52

SetChannelVolumesAux(channel_mask As Integer, volume As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioStreamAux(stream_index As Integer) As Boolean
A call to video.Stop is needed before changing the audio output when a video file is playing or has played.
Example: This example shows how to use the
SetPcmAudioOutputs and SetCompressedAudioOutputs methods in
conjunction with
. The video player is configured to output decoded audio to the analog output or
compressed audio to the HDMI and SPDIF outputs.
ao1=CreateObject("roAudioOutput", "Analog")
ao2=CreateObject("roAudioOutput", "HDMI")
ao3=CreateObject("roAudioOutput", "SPDIF")
ar = CreateObject("roArray", 2, true)
ar[0] = ao2
ar[1] = ao3
Note: In most cases, rerouting audio outputs during audio/video playback will cause playback to stop. The system
software will still be responsive, so you can use commands to exit playback during or following an audio output