BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 29

floating point numbers, strings, roArray objects, and roAssociativeArray objects. The
ParseJson() method has
the following properties:
o Invalid will be returned if the string is not syntactically correct.
o Any roAssociativeArray objects that are returned will be case sensitive.
o An error will be returned if an roArray or roAssociativeArray is nested more than 256 levels deep.
Example: The following script demonstrates how to use
ParseJson() to process a JSON object containing the
titles and URLs of a set of images.
JSON Script
"photos" : [
"title" : "View from the hotel",
"url" :
"title" : "Relaxing at the beach",
"url" :
"title" : "Flat tire",
"url" :