Ifidentity – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 196

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doesn’t matter which local port is used), pass a port number of 0, and the player will select an unused port. This
method returns True upon success and False upon failure

GetLocalPort() As Integer: Returns the local port to which the socket is bound. Use this method if you
passed a port number of 0 to

BindToLocalPort and need to determine which port the player has selected.

SendTo(destination_address As String, destination_port As Integer, packet As Object)
As Integer: Sends a single UDP packet, which can be an roString or roByteArray, to the specified address and
port. This method returns 0 upon success and a negative error code upon failure.

JoinMulticastGroup(address as String) as Boolean: Joins the multicast group for the specified
address on all interfaces that are currently up. This method returns True upon success and False upon failure. In
the event of failure,

GetFailureReason() may provide additional information. To ensure that you are joined on

all network interfaces, you should register for roNetworkHotplug events and call the


method in response to the arrival of new networks.

The ifIdentity interface provides the following:

GetIdentity() As Integer










The ifUserData interface provides the following:

SetUserData(user_data As Object): Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object: Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will
return Invalid if no data has been set.

The ifSourceIdentity interface provides the following:

GetSourceIdentity() As Integer