Roassetrealizer – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 187

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This object contains functions for realizing files.

Object Creation: The roAssetRealizer object requires two parameters upon creation: an roAssetPool object and a
destination directory.

CreateObject("roAssetRealizer", pool As roAssetPool, destination_directory As String)

pool = CreateObject("roAssetPool", "pool")
realizer = CreateObject ("roAssetRealizer", pool, "/")

Interfaces: ifUserData, ifAssetRealizer

The IfUserData interface provides the following:

SetUserData(user_data As Object): Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object: Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will
return Invalid if no data has been set.

The ifAssetRealizer interface provides the following:

GetFailureReason() As String: Yields additional useful information if a function return indicates an error.

EstimateRealizedSizeInMegabytes(spec As Object) As Integer: Returns the estimated amount of
space that would be taken up by the specified sync spec.

Realize(spec As roSyncSpec/roAssetCollection) As Object: Places the files into the destination
directory specified in the passed roSyncSpec or roAssetCollection. If the pool does not contain the full set of