BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 247

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GetFailureReason() As String: Yields additional useful information if an roTCPStream method fails.

ConnectTo(a As String, b As Integer) As Boolean: Connects the stream to the specified host
(designated using a dotted quad) and port. The function returns True upon success.

Accept(a As Object) As Boolean: Accepts an incoming connection event. The function returns True upon

AsyncConnectTo(a As String, b As Integer) As Boolean: Attempts to connect the stream to the
specified host (designated using a dotted quad) and port. The function returns False if this action is immediately
impossible (for example, when the specified host is not in the correct format). Otherwise, the function returns True
upon success. The connect proceeds in the background, and an roStreamConnectResultEvent is posted to the
associated message port when the connect attempt succeeds or fails.