BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 313

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Example: The following code specifies a POSIX-formatted time zone:

t = CreateObject("roSystemTime")

The following are supported system time zones (this list does not apply to POSIX-formatted time zones):

EST: US Eastern Time

CST: US Central Time

MST: US Mountain Time

PST: US Pacific Time

AKST: Alaska Time

HST: Hawaii-Aleutian Time with no Daylight Savings (Hawaii)

HST1: Hawaii-Aleutian Time with Daylight Saving

MST1: US MT without Daylight Saving Time (Arizona)

EST1: US ET without Daylight Saving Time (East Indiana)

AST: Atlantic Time

CST2: Mexico (Mexico City)

MST2: Mexico (Chihuahua)

PST2: Mexico (Tijuana)

BRT: Brazil Time (Sao Paulo)

NST: Newfoundland Time

AZOT: Azores Time

GMTBST: London/Dublin Time

WET: Western European Time

CET: Central European Time

EET: Eastern European Time

MSK: Moscow Time