Rortspstream – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
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This is a simple object that is passed to the
method. There are some limitations to the RTSP
streams this object will play correctly. roRtspStream has been optimized to play streaming video from a local source with
the smallest possible delay. The result is a short buffering window that is not appropriate for playing RTSP streams from
URLs outside of a local network. We are currently optimizing roRtspStream to work with different IP camera brands: See
Object Creation: To play an RTSP stream, instantiate an roRtspStream object with a URL as its argument. Then pass it to
playfile() method as shown in the following example:
r=createobject("roRtspStream", "rtsp://")
p.PlayFile({Rtsp: r})
The ifRtspStream interface provides the following:
GetUrl() As String
The ifMessagePort interface provides the following:
SetPort(a As Object): Posts event messages to the attached message port. The event messages are of the