BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 24

str(value As Double) As String: Converts a specified float value to a string. This method also returns a
string equal to the character representation of a value. For example, if "A" is assigned a value of 58.5, then calling
str(A) will return "58.5" as a string.
strI(value As Integer) As String: Converts a specified integer value to a string. This method also
returns a string equal to the character representation of a value. For example, if "A" is assigned a value of 58.5,
then calling
stri(A) will return "58" as a string.
val(target_string As String) As Double: Returns a number represented by the characters in the string
argument. This is the opposite of the
str() function. For example, if "A" is assigned the string "58", and "B" is
assigned the string "5", then calling
val(A+"."+B) will return the float value 58.5.
abs(x As Double) As Double: Returns the absoule vale of the argument x.
atn(x As Double) As Double: Returns the arctangent (in radians) of the argument x (i.e. Atn(x) returns "the
angle whose tangent is x"). To get the arctangent in degrees, multiply
Atn(x) by 57.29578.
csng(x As Integer) As Float: Returns a single-percision float representation of the argument x.
cdbl(x As Integer) As Double: Returns a double-percision float representation of the argument x.
cint(x As Double) As Integer: Returns an integer representation of the argument x by rounding to the
nearest whole number.
cos(x As Double) As Double: Returns the cosine of the arugment x. The argument must be in radians. To
obtain the cosine of x when x is in degrees, use
exp(x As Double) As Double: Returns the natural exponential of x. This is the inverse of the log() function.
fix(x As Double) As Integer: Returns a truncated representation of the argument x. All digits to the right of
the decimal point are removed so that the resultant value is an integer. For non-negative values of x,
fix(x) is
equal to
int(x). For negative values of x, fix(x) is equal to int(x)+1.
int(x As Double) As Integer: Returns an integer representation of the argument x using the largest whole
number that is not greater than the argument. For example,
int(2.2) returns 2, while fix(-2.5) returns -3.
log(x As Double) As Double: Returns the natural logarithm of the argument x(i.e. log
(x)). This is the inverse
of the
exp() function. To find the logarithm of a number to a base b, use the following formula:
(x) = log