BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 216

o open: An unobfuscated password for the DWS. This method uses digest access authentication. Specifying
this parameter without setting a
port number will make the DWS accessible on the default port.
o basic: A flag indicating whether basic authentication should be used or not. Setting this parameter to True
allows the password set with the
open parameter to be validated using basic authentication, rather than
digest access authentication. This option allows for backwards compatibility with older platforms; most, if not
all, modern browsers require basic authentication to be disabled in order to communicate with the DWS.
Note: The user name is "admin" for all authentication configurations.
GetClientIdentifier() As String
GetProxy() As String
SetClientIdentifier(a As String) As Boolean
SetLoginPassword(password As String): Specifies a login password for the SSH connection (if SSH has
been enabled in the registry).
SetObfuscatedLoginPassword(password As String)
SetObfuscatedWiFiPassphrase(password As String) As Boolean
SetInboundShaperRate(rate As Integer) As Boolean: Sets the bandwidth limit for inbound traffic in bits
per second. For the default bandwidth limit, pass
-1 to the method; for no bandwidth limit, pass 0 (though these
two settings are functionally the same). You will need to call
Apply() for this setting to take effect, and changing
this setting at any time will cause the network interface to be taken down and reinitialized.
Note: Because of overhead on the shaping algorithm, attempting to limit the bandwidth at rates greater than
approximately 2Mbit/s will reduce speeds to less than the specified rate.
SetRoutingMetric(a As Integer) As Boolean: Configures the metric for the default gateway on the
current network interface. Routes with lower metrics are preferred over routes with higher metrics. This function
returns True upon success.
SetDHCP() as Boolean (interface): Enables DHCP and disables all other settings. This function returns True if
SetIP4Address(ip As String) As Boolean (interface)
SetIP4Netmask(netmask As String) As Boolean (interface)