Ifmessageport, Ifuserdata, Roassetfetcherevent – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 175

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below bytes_per_second when averaged over period_in_seconds. Note that if the transfer is over the Internet, you
may not want to set period_in_seconds to a small number in case network problems cause temporary drops in
performance. For large file transfers and a small bytes_per_second limit, averaging fifteen minutes or more may be

SetProxy(a As String) As Boolean

SetFileProgressIntervalSeconds(interval As Integer) As Boolean: Specifies the interval (in
seconds) between progress events when an individual file is being downloaded. Setting the interval to

-1 disables

all progress events. Setting the interval to

0 specifies that events should be generated as often as possible, though

this will slow down the transfer process. If the interval is set to

0 or any positive integer, events will always be

generated at the start and end of the file download irrespective of elapsed time. The default interval is 300 seconds.

SetFileRetryCount(count As Integer) As Boolean: Specifies the maximum number of times each file
download will be retried before moving on to the next file download. The default retry count is five.

SetRelativeLinkPrefix(prefix As String) As Boolean: Specifies a prefix that will be appended to the
front of relative links in the sync spec. Normally, this method is used to make file:/// URIs drive agnostic, but it can
also be used to reduce the size of the sync spec if all files are stored in the same place. Non-relative links are not
affected by this method.

BindToInterface(interface As Integer) As Boolean: Ensures that the HTTP request goes out over
the specified network interface (

0 for Ethernet or 1 for WiFi). The default behavior (which can be specified by


-1) is to send requests using the most appropriate network interface, which may depend on the routing

metric configured via the roNetworkConfiguration object. If both interfaces are on the same layer 2 network, this
method may not work as expected due to the Linux weak-host model.

The ifMessagePort interface provides the following:

SetPort(a As Object)

The ifUserData interface provides the following:

SetUserData(user_data As Object): Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.