Asynchronous – BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual

Page 271

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Asynchronous API

AsyncScan(parameters As roAssociativeArray) As Boolean: Begins a channel scan on the RF input
and returns the results immediately. Otherwise, the behavior and parameters of this method are identical


. When completed or cancelled,

AsyncScan() generates an roChannelManagerEvent, which supports

ifUserData and outputs two types of event:

o 0 – Scan Complete: Generated upon the completion of a scan. No extra data is supplied.
o 1 – Scan Progress: Generated upon every tune that is performed during the scan. GetData() returns the

percentage complete of the scan.

CancelScan() As Boolean: Cancels any asynchronous scans that are currently running. This method does
not generate an roChannelManagerEvent.

Synchronous Example
c = CreateObject("roChannelManager")

' Scan the channels
aa = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
aa["ChannelMap"] = "ATSC"
aa["FirstRfChannel"] = 12
aa["LastRfChannel"] = 50

' Start at the first channel
index = 0