BrightSign Object Reference Manual (FW 5.1) User Manual
Page 195

print "Datagram: "; event
end while
This object both sends and receives UDP packets. Use roDatagramSocket if you need the player to communicate using
protocols such as SSDP, which only allow a server to respond to the source of a received request.
Received packets are delivered to the message port as roDatagramEvent objects.
The ifUserData interface provides the following:
SetUserData(user_data As Object): Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.
GetUserData() As Object: Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will
return Invalid if no data has been set.
The ifMessagePort interface provides the following:
SetPort(a As Object)
The ifDatagramSocket interface provides the following:
GetFailureReason() As String: Returns additional information if the BindToLocalPort or Sendto
methods fail.
BindToLocalPort(port As Integer) As Boolean: Binds the socket to the specified local port. Use this
method to receive packets sent to a specific port. Alternatively, if you want to receive replies to sent packets (and it